Cost Rica rain forest. canopy £550 50 x 40 inches on alumini
The trunk and branches of this Kapok tree reach up to form the forest canopy sprouting hundreds of small leaves.
Swirls £ 295 20x30" on alumini
Tidal saltmarsh, Dunwich coast
Iced over £ 295 20x30" on alumini
Water llily pads in a thinly iced over pond in winter
Pelargonium seed
Concentric circles £ 325 20x30 inches on alumini
Greater Knapweed
Purple haze £325 20 x 16 inches on alumini
Cardamine quinquefolia
Silently snowing
Show-time £325 30 x 20 inches on alumini
|An elegantly posing peacock
Summertime £225 20 x 16 inches on alumini
Common blue butterfly on Ox-eye daisy
Silence £375 A3 on alumini
River Deben in winter light
Solitude £295 216 x 20 on alumini
Sea Holly on Shingle beach Suffolk Coastal
Autumnal sunset £225 20x16 inches on alumini
The evening sun damaticall-y changed-s the beach, Shingle Street, Suffolk
Tropical stripes £ 295 20x30 inches on alumini
Macro image of sunlit leaf: Ethiopian black banana
Calathea makoyana £ 325 20x30" on alumini
Wildflowers grwoing on the edge of farmland
A bank of poppies and cornflowers on the roadside
Inside the teasel
£225 20 x 16 inches on alumini
Osteospermum 'Blue eyed Beauty'
£225 20 x 16 inches on alumini
Foeniculum vulgare - Fennel flower head
20 x 30 inches on alumini
Ancient oaks coated in snow
Red Valerian growing on shingle
Silver birch in the autumn light