Exhibiting in the Carousel Gallery in the medievil town of Framlingham
Artistic photographic exhibition of plants Framlingham IP13 9AH
Artistic photographic exhibition of plants Framlingham IP13 9AH
Greater knapweed on acrylic floating panel 30 x 24 inches on sale
‘Winning image ‘The Beauty of Plants’ - 3rd place,
Royal Botainical Gardens Kew, Richmond TW9 3AB
Gillian Plummer's flower images, Jenny Madden’s (Lady Whincups Flower Farm) floral displays, Jenny Windle’s fine art pastels drawings.
For full details Visit Snape Maltings Website
Unique interpretations of the natural world around us by four East Anglian Artists: Gillian Plummer's photography, Cyndi Speers paintings, Naomi Brangwyn's glasswork, Carol Pask's stoneware and porcelain ceramics.
Visit https://snapemaltings.co.uk/whats-on/exhibition-nature-best-returns/
Visit: https://www.artw.co.uk/new-events/2018/1/23/5xf369556ugduzrjoww7n4f9hp9fwp
Gillian Plummer's award winning plant images, Cyndi Speer's dream-like paintings, Carol Pask's exquisite stoneware and porcelain ceramics.